Saturday, November 28, 2020

The 52 Book Club's 2021 Reading Challenge


Hey, Friend!

This is so exciting! The 52 Book Club just came out with the 2021 Reading Challenge and they have such interesting prompts! I have a few books listed already for some of them.

Oh but wait! I don't get to read a lot of books each year. Somehow I get lost in the rabbit hole of social media and streaming sites and I end up reading 4 books in the year...if I'm lucky. But that doesn't stop me from trying every single year to read more and to do better. That's just how it is.

So in 2021 am I going to read 52 books? Of course not! There's a lot of things that's going to happen next year (and I will share more as they actually start to happen) that I think will get in the way of reading but it's always a good thing to get excited over a TBR pile, right? 😁

Aside from that, this is a wonderful opportunity to tackle the many, many unread books that I have at home. And let's add my ebooks and audiobooks to that, shall we? Who knows, I might read more than four books in 2021. 😉

Looking forward to cozy reading...